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  • About CORNET

    On this page you will get a short overview of CORNET: who are the partners, what are their activities, who can benefit and what are the advantages.

    A network of minstries and funding agencies

    The partners of the CORNET network are ministries and funding agencies that combine their existing funding schemes to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


    SME associations, research organisations and SMEs are the beneficiaries of CORNET projects. By participating, they can build up an international network and benefit from know-how and resources that might not be available in their country or region. The CORNET partners support applicants in finding the right partners for their pre-competitive Collective Research projects, during proposal preparation and in the runtime of the project.

    Calls for Proposals

    Twice a year CORNET issues calls for proposals for international Collective Research projects that usually have deadlines in March and September. The calls follow a bottom-up approach: every topic that supports SMEs in their innovation efforts is welcome. As a well-established international network, CORNET accomplishes an average success rate of 66 per cent. Please find further information about the application process, proposal templates and international partners on CORNET.online.

    CORNET projects

    A typical CORNET project has a duration of 24 months and includes partners from at least two countries. An international project consortium includes an SME association, a research organisation and several SMEs (number depending on national rules) in each of the involved countries. The average budget of a CORNET project amounts to 600.000 Euro.

    Unbureaucratic Support

    As familiar national and regional funding programmes form the basis of support, collaboration with international partners in CORNET projects is unbureaucratic. Personal contact between applicants and funding agencies facilitates advice for proposal submission and flexible solutions to problems that might arise during a project.

    New partners welcome

    The CORNET network of funding organisations pursues the aim of increasing the number of members and welcomes funding organisations. CORNET supports new funding organisations acting at national and regional level worldwide to introduce pilot actions and schemes for pre-competitive Collective Research. Please find more detailed information in the section Join CORNET.